The Myth of Sisyphus outlines the philosophy of absurdism, that ultimately we must resist the absurd in this irrational universe.
On Friendship
The Essays by Michel de Montaigne provide some insight into friendship, but how is it changing as we age in the twenty-first century?
Heartstopper Vol. 1-4 by Alice Oseman
Heartstopper depicts the challenges and romance of navigating young love and sexual identity.
Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman
Einstein’s Dreams depicts over 25 scenarios of how time may work differently than in this universe, all in the context of Albert Einstein’s dreams as he’s developing his theory of relativity.
The Plague by Albert Camus
In The Plague, Dr. Rieux lives through a horrible plague that sweeps the French Algerian town of Oran, told from an absurdist perspective.
The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
In The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Arthur Dent and his friends romp across the galaxy after the Earth is destroyed to create an intergalactic bypass.
The Elephant in the Brain by Robin Hanson and Kevin Simler
The Elephant in the Brain dissects the psychology and hidden truths behind the things that we do and how it affects everyday life.
Debunking 3 Study Tips with Science
Using scientific research to debunk study tips like chewing gum, listening to music, and choosing a specific time of day.
The Sea by John Banville
In The Sea, Max Morden delves into his past, dealing with trauma, grief, love, and loss surrounding his time at small sea-side town.
Persuasive Cartography
A deep dive into objectivity in cartography, what persuasive cartography is, its history, its effects, and how you can spot it.